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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Halo 3 and a great date.

Today i didn't see kevin for long (just about 2 minutes) and only because he was dropping off my pink xbox 360 controller <3 and some rabbit food. So i spent the day playing Harvest Moon on my DSi and Halo on my elite. Then had dinner at my grandma's where everyone complimented me on being a bit skinnier than usual. haha.

What i really wanted to talk about was my day yesterday. Kevin was so nice again. I think he's really great these days. He took me to so many places:

1. Sunflower Bakery (got caramel cupcakes, yum)
2. Walmart (black eyeliner, babywipes)
3. Wet Pets (rabbit food)
4. Raley's (father's day cards, clam chowder)
5. Hercules Public Library
6. Coffee Shop (thai tea boba)
7. Public Park (pull up bars sooooooo fun)

And afterwards we went to King Valley Chinese Restaurant where we met up with my family to have an early Father's Day dinner. It was great. We did so many things i never thought he'd take me to do. I love him so much...

I'm still a little hurt from the Situation. It'll take a while to go away. I dont know how long, but i hope it hurries. Kevin deserves better.

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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Halo 3 and a great date.

Today i didn't see kevin for long (just about 2 minutes) and only because he was dropping off my pink xbox 360 controller <3 and some rabbit food. So i spent the day playing Harvest Moon on my DSi and Halo on my elite. Then had dinner at my grandma's where everyone complimented me on being a bit skinnier than usual. haha.

What i really wanted to talk about was my day yesterday. Kevin was so nice again. I think he's really great these days. He took me to so many places:

1. Sunflower Bakery (got caramel cupcakes, yum)
2. Walmart (black eyeliner, babywipes)
3. Wet Pets (rabbit food)
4. Raley's (father's day cards, clam chowder)
5. Hercules Public Library
6. Coffee Shop (thai tea boba)
7. Public Park (pull up bars sooooooo fun)

And afterwards we went to King Valley Chinese Restaurant where we met up with my family to have an early Father's Day dinner. It was great. We did so many things i never thought he'd take me to do. I love him so much...

I'm still a little hurt from the Situation. It'll take a while to go away. I dont know how long, but i hope it hurries. Kevin deserves better.



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